Ammar Trilogy Set is a fantastic kit with multiple hours of teaching from Michael Ammar.
Black Door allows you to switch objects in the blink of an eye.
Tobias Dostal's Candyman is visual close-up magic trick. Make candy appear and vanish in a second.
The Stitch is a scaled down version of the classic illusion of sawing an assistant in half.
Melero Rings is Ernesto Melero's take on the traditional linking rings, with a subtle change.
With Instant Paper to Money, you can instantly turn pieces of newspapers into banknotes.
In The Big Blind, you guess the spectator's card with three poker chips.
Chroma Color-Changing Knives is an affordable set of color-changing pocket knives.
Repo: A Chain of Unusual Events is a visual magic trick with a key and a chain.
The cross moves from your palm into the spectator's.
A discounted set of Chroma Color-Changing Knives and Ascanio's World of Knives.
Create magic using shadows.
Tobias Dostal's Liquify lets you melt a solid object in their hand!
Industrial Revelation is a mind-blowing illusion. A solid metal block falls out of a card box.