
Perform Tricks for the Minds

Mentalism effects happen in the minds of your spectators. When performed correctly, they are personal and can help you connect with your spectators on an emotional level. 

Take your time studying these books about mentalism because this art cannot be rushed.

The fundamental mentalism book is 13 Steps to Mentalism by Tony Corinda. It introduces thirteen essential principles and gimmicks used by mentalists.

18 items total
Forged by Fire by Christoph Borer
55.12 EUR

Forged by Fire is a collection of the very best magic tricks from Christoph Borer.

Pocket Book by Peter Turner and Ellusionist
150.33 EUR

Peter Turner's Pocket Book is a fantastic treatise on psychokinetic routines.

Curtain Call by Barrie Richardson
71.76 EUR

Curtain Call is the final book in Barrie Richardson's trilogy.

Act Two by Barrie Richardson
71.76 EUR

Act Two is Barrie Richardson's second book of his wonderful magic tricks.

Theater of the Mind by Barrie Richardson
71.76 EUR

Theater of the Mind is the first of three books dedicated to Barrie Richardson's magic.

Experimental by Michael Murray
38.08 EUR

Experimental is a booklet with amazing tricks from Michael Murray.

The Definitive Sankey by Jay Sankey and Vanishing Inc.
up to –10 %
from 78.17 EUR

Over 500 magic tricks are explained on over 1600 pages.

Equilibrium by Michael Murray
26.46 EUR

Control your spectator's every choice with Michael Murray's Equilibrium.

Psychophysiological Thought Reading by Banachek
42.09 EUR

Banachek's Psychophysiological Thought Reading introduces the art of muscle reading.

Magical Problems and Mental Solutions by Michael Murray
30.07 EUR

Magical Problems and Mental Solutions shares nine creative ideas from Michael Murray.

Bend It Like Geller
Bend It Like Geller
In stock (2 pcs)
50.71 EUR

Learn the history and multiple techniques used for metal bending and Bend It Like Geller.

Peter Turner's Legacy Collection Book Set by Ellusionist
107.84 EUR

Legacy Collection Box Set collects the best mentalism work of Peter Turner.

Unreal by Bruce Bernstein
Unreal by Bruce Bernstein
In stock (1 pcs)
79.78 EUR

One of the best mentalism books, Bruce Bernstein's Unreal, is finally back in print.

Practical Mental Magic book by Theodore Annemann
21.65 EUR

Theodore Annemann's Practical Mental Magic is one of the most influential publications on mentalism.

Self-Working Mental Magic by Karl Fulves
Self-Working Mental Magic
In stock (1 pcs)
11.63 EUR

Step inside the powerful world of mental magic with Karl Fulves' Self-Working Mental Magic.

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