Moser's Miracle Monte is a three card monte with a surprising ending.
In Thought of Card Across, the selected card appears in the hands of your spectator.
Triple Coincidence shows that three coincidences at once are not a coincidence but miracle!
NUMB proves that magic with numbers can be entertaining and powerful.
Play a fun game of Activity with your spectator that has a surprising ending.
Inferno presents the spectator with a task - they can save one card from fire. Will they succeed?
Best in Show is a visual card trick. A great opener for your show.
Change every card in the deck! The original edition of Joshua Jay's PRISM Deck.
Butterfly Svengali Deck is a versatile trick deck beloved by magicians and mentalists. Handmade by the Butterfly team in Prague.
Butterfly Side Stripper Deck is a classic trick deck that allows you to control any number of cards simultaneously.
Butterfly End Stripper Deck is a trick deck with tapered edges. Handmade by the Butterfly team in Prague.