Encyclopedia of Card Tricks will teach you hundreds of card tricks.
Scarne on Card Tricks is filled with easy-to-do card tricks.
Arthur Buckley's Card Control explores new ways to manipulate playing cards.
Work on your sleight of hand with cards with Jean Hugard's Card Manipulations.
My Best Self-Working Card Tricks includes easy-to-do card tricks that still pack a great effect.
Self-Working Card Tricks assemble simple card magic tricks assembled by Karl Fulves.
Easy-to-do card magic tricks suitable for close-up performances can be found in Self-Working Close-Up Card Magic.
Card College 5 is the grand finale of this acclaimed pentalogy by Roberto Giobbi.
The fourth volume of Card College explores more intermediate and advanced card magic.
The third volume of Card College lets you try intermediate and more advanced techniques and card tricks.
The perfect follow-up to volume one, Card College 2, will give you a fantastic basis in card magic.
Card College 1 is one of the best books for anyone looking to learn card magic properly.
Learn the beautiful card and coin magic from an award-winning French magician.