Sharing Secrets is a fantastic book on magic theory by Roberto Giobbi.
A second printing of the book dedicated to Max Malini.
Start performing magic in restaurants and bars thanks to Al James' Conjuror at the Table.
Over 500 magic tricks are explained on over 1600 pages.
Amaze up to six spectators at once and learn the power of great routining through the pages of John Graham's Encore.
Learn more than 90 tricks from the legendary card magician in this beautiful All In book set.
Charlie Frye shares his forty years of experience through the pages of his book Sleightly Absurd.
Card College Light teaches twenty-one easy but powerful card tricks collected by Roberto Giobbi.
Card College Lighter includes a second batch of twenty-one easy-to-do card magic tricks.
Card College Lightest is the final book in Roberto Giobbi's acclaimed trilogy.
Piff The Magic Book comes from the brilliant and slightly twisted mind of Piff the Magic Dragon.
Woody Aragon's Memorandum is his treatise on stacked deck magic and his original stack.
The Collected Almanac will teach you more than 170 tricks from different genres of magic.
Wayne Dobson's Legacy Book Set is devoted to the genius magician.
The Art of Switching Decks will teach you multiple ways to switch a deck of cards for another one.